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Erichka welcomed all members and visitors!
CELL PHONES – Please Ladies remember to switch off your cell phones or turn them to silent for the duration of our meetings. Ringing phones not only disturb speakers but also the people around you.
GET WELL SOON! Grace Nobili and her mom, so if you were expecting an order form Grace, please speak to Wendy! Deline’s mom – please ladies enjoy your library books one month longer as there will be no library today. Charmaine Collins’s son is also very ill. In our thoughts and prayers we wish you and your loved ones a speedy recovery.
CONGRATULATIONS! Grace Nobili became a first time granny to a beautiful baby girl!
and to Suzen Bornman first time Granny to a lovely baby boy! We all hope that the memories you will share together will be long and warm with tons of laughter.
LOST PROPERTY: Someone left their knitting behind after our June meeting! Please collect from Erichka.
QUADRILLS CHALLENGE: Keep working Ladies – the challenge ends next month.
GRG MEETING; 22 August. Should you have any nominations for member of the year, please ensure they are submitted by 15 October. Nominations for committee members are also welcome.
2011 TRAVELLING EXHIBITION: Jewels of the Earth – a reminder that entries are due soon.
July 2010.
Well this Show and Tell was more like Quadrilles even though I missed the whole thing. Thank you to Tertia for the photographs to keep me up to date
Jeanette Triegaardt made Quilted Backpacks at Part Time quilters.
Sandi Crear made “Star Crazy Swan song “ 2009 Block of the month with Grace.; Sampler Quilt “Stacey’s Quilt” Wendy’s block of the month and a quilt made for a friend more info please !!
Gail Osborn made “Tertia’s Treasure” started with one bock made for Tertia and then could not stop with the square within a square blocks.
Dorinda Mckane 2009 Star Block of the Month with Grace made in beautiful Kaffe Fasset fabrics.
Rosemarie Sheward made “Birds at my Window” as a gift for her brother she will be visiting in October. Class by Wendy and Suzen
Maureen Smith made her Star Block of he month with Grace with lovely fruity tutti fabric and turned it into a wonderful tablecloth and given as a gift to her daughter in law.
Tilly de Harde showed her Broken Telephone Challenge called” Sunbirds”
Tilly also made a lovely Lee Hackman technique quilt with Wendy and Suzen.
Barabra Macdonald made a Stars with a Twist block of the month with Grace.Also to be used as a lovely tablecloth.
Carol Poutney made “Perseverance” Star Quilt block of the Month 2009. Well done Carol now you can do anything.
Ira Auf made her perfect “Birds in my Garden” Quilt in Wendy and Suzen’s class.
Erichka Bick made “ Candy Floss Hearts” High Tech Tucks technique made in class with Grace. Erichka also made “The Beerbox Quilt” in a class with Grace
Jenny Svennson made “Skinny Santa” Two quilts skinny Snowman and Christmas Wreath made in the Xmas club.
Wendy Burtenshaw made “Love Is” wallhanging made with squares from an old calendar.
Colleen Harris made a Raggedy quilt and a Lee Hackman technique quilt.
Pat Warren made “Squashed Butterfly” a Lee Hackman technique quilt made in Wendy’s and Suzen’s class
Tertia Duvenage made a “Beerbox Quilt” a wonderful
collection of Charm squares quilted by Grace.
Maureen Douwes ( a Visitor) made a lovely “Images of Africa “ quilt done with Wendy and Suzen
Patricia a Bear made “Diamonds, Amethysts and Rubies” a Lee Hackman technique quilt done on course with Wendy and Suzen.
Jean Funnel finished “Yellow Stars Quilt” Pieced top was given by a friend in California with instructions to go practice.
Anna Castleman made “Labarinth of Life” technique class with Wendy and Suzen.
Tilly de Harde made a lovely oriental landscape for Lynette Ho’s birthday.
QQ Calendar of Events
Sept 1st – Talk by Jackie Green
on Story Dolls
October 6th Talk by Marietha
Sri – Lankan Applique Embroidery.
November 3rd – Lesley Taylor
Shadow Applique
December 1st --
Fun Morning of Demonstrations
National Quilt Festival 2011
1st July to 7th July 2011
“Alive with Colour”
Good Hope Quilters Guild
Bloemhof Girls school
Membership Update
Will all ladies please note that after your 3rd visit to QQ as a visitor you are required to become a member.
This is necessary for us to be able to prepare a Budget for the following year to deal with our expenses.
Etiquette for Quilting Lessons.
Please keep this information
As it applies to All classes that are offered by local and visiting Teachers.
1.Make every effort to be Punctual.
2.If you are unavoidably late – apologize and without distracting the class take your place. The Teacher will probably take you over any points missed when it suits her.
3.Please do not talk while the teacher is instructing the class.Give attention when given instructions and do not ask unnecessary questions.
4.You decided to take this class.It is unfair to the teacher to constantly try to be more knowledgeable than the teacher.
5.Ask the teachers permission before taking any photographs in class.
6.You will be asked to sign the “plagiarism” clause. This protects the teachers work
7.Complete an evaluation form and hand it to a volunteer who will seal it in an envelope. Be honest, it is confidential.
8. There are other students in the class
Allow the teacher to give everyonean equal share of her time. In otherwise do not monopolize the teacher
9.Make sure that you have all the basic requirements for the class. It can be distracting and to some people irritating if you start borrowing all the time
DVD Library.News
At last we will be getting our DVD library on its feet
This is how it is going to work.
This service will be dealt with after each QQ meeting. Grace or one of the Quiltec ladies will be in charge of this service.
A list of available Dvd’s is to follow.
You may only borrow the Dvd for the period of ONE month
If you forget to return it, a fine of R150 will be levied against you. You have one days grace to return it to Quiltec and have your fine returned.
The cost of Borrowing a Dvd each time is R20 These funds will go towards the purchasing of new Dvd’s as will the fines.
Once the Dvd has been confirmed to be in order your deposit will be returned.
Should the Dvd be damaged you will be liable to pay the full cost of purchase to replace it.
If you have any personal Dvd’s that you would like to add to the QQ library, once approved QQ will purchase it from you at market price.
The most important aspect of this Library is going to be COPYRIGHT.
All these Dvd’s are COPYRIGHTED
It is ILLEGAL to make copies, if you absolutely must have a copy of your own, we can organize to purchase a copy at cost.
THE DIABETIS YOUTH QUILT RAFFLE was won by Sandra de Wet. The raffle raised R2000.00 for the organization.
ST. ANDREWS SPRING FESTIVAL is to be held on 18 September and QQ has been ask to again exhibit. Volunteers will be required.
WHERE IS THE WORLD is a book about all the countries that took part in the world cup. It was published to be of educational value to children. Erichka has 10 copies at R50.00 each.
WELL DONE Jill Rex. Her quilt is featured on the front page of the Northcliff Times! We are so proud!
And to Erichka – who managed to go through the US without stepping into a quilt shop! Hmmm…..
SKRI LANKEN EMBROIDERY – is to be demonstrated at our October meeting. Kits will be on sale. So ladies be prepared.
FOR SALE – a machine cabinet that can hold 2 machines R2000.00 and a cutting table R1000.00. Please speak to Colleen Harris.
Please help…..
CHOC still need socks. Look for the pattern on this page
Margaret Bowyer is still collecting recyclable waste such as egg boxes among others.
BRONKHORSTSPRUIT ORPHANAGE is selling bags for R50.00 to raise funds. Choose your bag and pay your money to Suzen.
If possible please bring a bag of rice and a tin of tinned fruit with you for the next meeting.
Timbali would appreciate DMC stranded embroidery cottons – should you have some spare or unwanted please bring to our next meeting.
Ting Cotter is looking for the instruction manual for a Stella Air electronic TSPL sewing machine.
FROM CHOC: To all who donated, knitted and in any way contributed to all the beautiful scarves completed.
FROM GO SIZWE: The food and clothing you donated is much appreciated and needed
FROM THE SPCA: The dogs and cats are very grateful for their pillow keeping them warmer and a little more comfortable.
Quadrille Quilter Subscription Fees
Membership WoesDue to the passing of time many of our Quadrille group has become Pensioners, so how can we run a club without subs?
Everyone will have to pay subs.
There will be the normal 10% increase
For next year 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
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