Report Back
· Grace welcomed all members and visitors.
· A big thank you to Erichka and her committee for all their hard work and good luck to the newly elected committee! We wish you well and look forward to a successful new year.
· Leonie Malherber’s classes have been cancelled.
· Quiltec will no longer be at QQ meetings. However should you require anything, please let Grace know and she will bring your requirements.
· Quiltec will from 2011 only be open on Thursdays and Fridays.
· Thank you to all who donated items for the Nobili Foundation during the year.
· QQ photo albums are always available at Quiltec for that trip down memory lane.
· The Editor welcomes any contributions to the newsletter; the deadline for submissions is the 20th of the month.
· A friendly reminder also to our advertisers – please remember that your advertising fee of R130.00 per year is also due now.
Giving From the Heart
QQ members are encouraged to continue their generous support with all our charities.
After the verb “To Love”…..”To Help” is the most beautiful verb in the world. Bertha von Suttner
· Bronkhorstspruit Orphanage provides shelter for many children abandoned by their parents – and to provide some cheer and warmth the QQ committee has decided to make this their main charity for 2011. The aim is to make a bright cheerful Quilt for every child in the orphanage – a total of 35 quilts by June! Suzen will be the quilt block co-coordinator. Watch this space to see how this wonderful project will be organized.
Please diarize……………
Provisional dates for 2011 QQ Meetings
12 January 13 July
2 February 3 August
2 March 7 September
6 April 5 October
4 May 2 November
1 June 7 December
1 – 9 July SA Quilt Festival
Hole in the Wall – is a baby shelter for abandoned babies. QQ would love to give them a Christmas gift of Nappies (especially new born) fissan paste and baby wipes
. Please support us in this drive by bringing your donations to our December meeting.
· Embroidery Ladies who sell their work to provide for their Families.
· Embroidery Ladies who sell their work to provide for their Families.
QQ thought it would be wonderful to spoil them with a bottle of body lotion (they seem to love Dawn Body lotion) as a Christmas gift!
If you would like to help, it would be much appreciated.
· The SPCA is always in need of something soft to sleep on for their residents – so please continue to collect your scrap fabrics in old pillow cases.
· CHOC is helping on average 110 new children per day –so if you have spare time and enjoy knitting, please keep beanies, scarves and socks coming.
· Margaret Bowyer is still collecting egg boxes and other materials with which the children of St Vincent’s School for the Deaf use to make masterpieces.Should you have any old clothes or other unused items, please bring them for Go Iswe
If you would like to help, it would be much appreciated.
· The SPCA is always in need of something soft to sleep on for their residents – so please continue to collect your scrap fabrics in old pillow cases.
· CHOC is helping on average 110 new children per day –so if you have spare time and enjoy knitting, please keep beanies, scarves and socks coming.
· Margaret Bowyer is still collecting egg boxes and other materials with which the children of St Vincent’s School for the Deaf use to make masterpieces.Should you have any old clothes or other unused items, please bring them for Go Iswe
QQ Calendar of Events
1 December 2010 –Julia Heaney: The History of Christmas Stockings and a fun morning of Demonstrations.
12 January 2011- Ansie Reyerse: Medallion Quilts and Wendy and Suzen will demonstrate Scrap quilts.
Watch this space for many more interesting Histories, General talks, Demonstrations and other surprises!
Membership fees due
Membership fees due
· Ladies – a friendly reminder! Our year runs from 1 November to 30 October. This means it is time to pay your subs again! There has been an increase of 10%. The amounts due are as follows:
o R150.00 per year
o R25.00 / visit – visitors are reminded that after 3 visits you are required to become a member.
o An extra R5.00 / meeting for the security guards.
· Please remember that the package you receive costs you R12.50 a meeting and R5.00 for security. Much less than the cheapest fat quarter at R20.00. So please step up and pay your subs.
· Existing members who are exempt will remain so.
Want to make friends with your computer?
Grace has kindly offered to help get interested QQ members computer literate. Classes will be held at Quiltec on a Tuesday morning and afternoon to accommodate the working ladies. Classes will consist of 10 ladies per class and will start next year. The newsletter will keep you updated.
The 2010 Quadrille Challenge Results.
Each entrant was given 3 colour swatches and a quilt had to make using the given colours.
As always the judges were impressed with the quality of the work and choosing a winner was no easy task. But a winner had to be chosen!
Congratulations to
-Tilly de Harde for walking away with the First prize.
-Shirley Prakke for taking the second place
-Tertia Duvenage for 3rd place and
- Patricia a Bear for Highly commended
The next Challenge will be launched in January 2011. However there will be split judging.
This means that there will be two categories of judging so to speak. The Winners circle group – consisting of previous 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners and the general group, all judged on same category. This is to encourage more members to enter challenges.
The 2011 Quilt Festival
Members are encouraged to visit the website to keep abreast of all that is being planned.
Vendors who have not received their notices by November should contact Jeanette or visit the website.
Jenny’s Back Page
The new set of 12 back pages will all consist of foundation pieced houses. They will start easy and get progressively more difficult as time goes on. When finished the houses should be 8” by 8”.
Hint: Take photos of finished squares to help with colour choices.
Number and label your blocks e.g. top, 3rd left etc.
Sew units together in rows.
Remember to cut on the dotted lines and sew on the solid lines.
OOOOps Something went wrong with last month’s print! It seems the design got stretched somehow! The pieces did not match up! Please see Jenny if you are making this house for original correct copies.
The printers have been made aware of the problem and hopefully the problem has been sorted.
Websites to visit;
1 comment:
Congratulations, beautiful quilt! Can you tell me where to find the pattern of the quilt "Antique Toys" made by Lesle Mchugh?Regards from Italy.♥
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